Monday, October 19, 2009

Question and Answer

Q: I executed my trust 15 years ago and haven't looked at it since. Should I ask an attorney to review it to see if any changes need to be made? If not, when should a trust be reviewed by an attorney?

A: Unfortunately there isn't a perfect rule of thumb here but I will try to give a good one. Have an attorney review your trust, or will, if there are any changes in your family situation such as divorce, marriage, death, or a concern over a beneficiary/heir. Otherwise, once every 3-5 years is a good idea. Of course if you hear about any changes in the estate tax code or local trust law, and think the changes may apply to you, call.

This raises the next question, won't the attorney contact me? Good practice says yes they will but they are not legally obligated to notice you. Most estate plans are a one-time only project. You hire an attorney for a specific job, upon completion, your relationship is over. Most firms will even say this in the final letter from their office. This of course protects the law firm but it does place the burden on the clients to stay on top of changes in their family and the laws. If you schedule period reviews of your estate plan every 3-5 years, then your chances of any changes getting incorporated in your plan are much higher.

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